
Manage Token

We are excited to introduce the new Chia Token update feature in Spacescan. This guide will walk you through the process of how to update/edit the Token details.

** This feature still in Beta so expect some glitches. Reach team here for support **

Before import the Token ,the chia wallet should have minted token and that chia wallet should connected with spacescan.io

1) Reach the "Token" menu from the sidebar

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2) Connect wallet to import the Token

Connect the wallet before edit/update the Token.If wallet already connected ,please skip this step and reach to the next step

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3) Import the Token

After wallet connect,click the "Import Token"

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Enter the "Token ID" in the text box, which Token you want to import

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Click import Token button,It showing pop up to confirm the message in the chia wallet.

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Go to the chia wallet and click confirm

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Now you can see the imported Token from your wallet

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4) Edit/Update the Token details

Click the meat ball (3 dot) icon in up-right corner of the Token,Click edit from the menu

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You can edit/update the Token details

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User can update/Edit the social link

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