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Get Token Transactions

This endpoint allows you to fetch the token (CAT) transaction history for a given address.




addressstringYes-The XCH address to fetch token transactions for
countnumberNo100Number of transactions to return per type
send_cursornumberNonullPagination cursor for sent transactions
received_cursornumberNonullPagination cursor for received transactions
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Use for free tier access. See our API Plans for rate limits and features.


Use with your API key in the x-api-key header. See our API Plans for details.

curl -X GET "{address}" \
-H "x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY"

Live API Test

Request Examples

# Initial request
curl -X GET ""

# Paginated request for specific transaction types
curl -X GET ""


Failed to load API response. Please try again later.

Response Schema

statusstringSuccess or failure status
send_transactions.transactionsarrayList of sent token transactions
send_transactions.transactions[].coin_idstringUnique identifier for the coin
send_transactions.transactions[].timestringISO timestamp of the transaction
send_transactions.transactions[].heightnumberBlock height of the transaction
send_transactions.transactions[].token_amountnumberAmount of tokens transferred
send_transactions.transactions[].asset_idstringThe asset ID of the token
send_transactions.transactions[].token_idstringThe token ID in tkn format
send_transactions.transactions[].tostringRecipient address
send_transactions.transactions[].memostring[]Optional memo array
send_transactions.next_cursornumberCursor for next page of sent transactions
send_transactions.total_countnumberTotal count of sent transactions
received_transactions.transactionsarrayList of received token transactions
received_transactions.transactions[].coin_idstringUnique identifier for the coin
received_transactions.transactions[].timestringISO timestamp of the transaction
received_transactions.transactions[].heightnumberBlock height of the transaction
received_transactions.transactions[].token_amountnumberAmount of tokens transferred
received_transactions.transactions[].asset_idstringThe asset ID of the token
received_transactions.transactions[].token_idstringThe token ID in tkn format
received_transactions.transactions[].fromstringSender address
received_transactions.transactions[].memostring[]Optional memo array
received_transactions.next_cursornumberCursor for next page of received transactions
received_transactions.total_countnumberTotal count of received transactions


  • Each transaction type (sent/received) can be paginated independently
  • The token_id is derived from the asset_id using the tkn prefix format